Health and Safety

People safety in vessels and in our facilities is our priority.

At Oceânica we seek to offer a safe and healthy environment to all employees, meeting the laws directly linked to safety and occupational health, providing the necessary equipment for individual and collective safety, as well as continuously searching to identify and eliminate risks linked to labor activities.

We perform in a segment that requires the highest attention standards, incorporating safety in our daily operations in all levels. We continuously monitor the environments that we work in, evaluate potential threats and risks, and we apply appropriate countermeasures according to the applicable laws.


Owing to its competence and recognized technical capacity, we are today a renowned company in the market and consolidated as a supplier of subsea solutions. We have accumulated a robust technical collection of works at CREA, contracts and services performed with excellent performance, the result of an integrated quality system through ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OSHAS 18001 certifications, which prove its qualification and were obtained for more than 10 years.

Oceânica is accredited as an Accredited Inspection Body – OIA END 009 – TYPE C, as its activities of Underwater Inspection of Magnetic Particles, Measurement of Electrochemical Potential, Visual Testing and Ultrasound meet the requirements of ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17020:2012 and the other normative requirements of the CGCRE – Inmetro’s General Accreditation Coordination.

It is also recognized and accredited by the main certifiers: ABS, BV, DBV and Lloyds Register to carry out underwater inspections for having approved procedures, certified special equipment and a qualified and experienced team in carrying out underwater inspections that guarantee the integrity of the units.

Oceânica is registered as EBN – Empresa Brasileira de Navegação – and has maritime support and port support grants in accordance with all recommendations and obligations provided for by ANTAQ – National Agency for Waterway Transport.

Oceânica Management System (SGO)

Oceânica’s management is based on NBR ISO 9001:2015, integrated to Environmental Management System with NBR ISO 14001:2015 and to Health and Safety Management System with ISO 45001:2018, integrating the HSEQ Policies which we call Oceânica Management System – SGO. Inspection activities developed by inspection organisms meet ABNT NBR ISO/IEC 17020:2012 requirements and other standard requirements by INMETRO NIT-DIOIS-001:UR, NIT-DIOIS-006:UR and NIT-DIOIS-019:UR. Oceânica established, documented, and keeps an Integrated Management System to continuously improve its effectiveness.

Oceanica’s processes were developed with a focus on customer expectations. The entire process is carried out to guarantee quality, not generating significant impacts on the environment, taking into account the protection of health, safety of employees and process safety.

Oceânica´s SGO Policy defined and approved by the top management is reflected throughout the company and is complied with and maintained by respecting the system’s documentation and seeking continuous improvement, promoting a structure for the establishment of the system’s objectives, including a commitment to comply with applicable requirements. Oceânica processes requests from its various customers with a focus on preserving the environment, seeking to ensure occupational health and safety and process safety, compliance with legislation related to its activities.
